The Neosecularist

I Said That? Yeah, I Said That!

It’s “IL” legal Immigration, Stupid…

So, illegal is the new legal?

It is if you are a Democrat politician and desperate for every vote you can scrape together to win your election.  Hell, Democrats steal the names of dead people; those too young to even vote; the unborn (and possibly soon to be aborted); cats, dogs and other non humans; people pretending to be someone they are not, cartoon characters, etc..

Democrats will take any name they can get their greedy, corrupt hands on to win back and secure political power, political influence, political dollars.  There is no spot so low in which a Democrat will not stoop, will not stump, for votes.  So of course they would not overlook people in this country who came here via illegal means, and are thus illegal aliens.  Of course Democrats would not overlook an opportunity to exploit, take advantage – use –  another group of people for their own political advantage, to save and protect their own political rear ends.

Nobody knows the exact number of illegal aliens that are in America.  It’s 12 million at the low end, 20 million at the high end.  We know Ronald Reagan granted amnesty to all the illegals who were here back in the 1980’s.  And we now know, as we have known for a long time, what a great and grave mistake that turned out to be.

We further know that granting amnesty to the new crop of illegal aliens that are here now, or even providing them with a “pathway to citizenship”, will only encourage others to travel to America illegally, by any means they can, no matter the perils, for an opportunity to step foot on American soil and claim their right to be an American citizen just like all the other illegal aliens that came before them.

And we have hundreds of bozos, clowns, worthless and no nothing legal American citizens right now protesting on Wall Street, and other cities across America, decrying what a terrible, miserable, uncaring, selfish country America is.  At the same time millions of people all around the world are trying (and mostly through legal channels) to come to America so they too can live the American Dream these puppets and drones on Wall Street so revile and loathe.  The many freedoms and liberties, the rights guaranteed under a unique constitution, and capitalism are the reasons billions of people around this world envy America and wish they too could be Americans.

How many people try to sneak into Cuba or Venezuela?  Or Iran or Syria for that matter?.  How many people from East Berlin ever tried to sneak into West Berlin?  Maybe only if they were spies.  It’s America everyone in the world tries to sneak into if they can’t get here legally.  People trying to sneak into America from Central America often have to sneak  into and across Mexico first.  That same Mexico, which soils itself every time the American government tries to enforce its policy on illegal aliens and deport those, from Mexico, who are here illegally, back to Mexico.  Because God knows Mexico doesn’t want them back!  That same Mexico, when they find people in their country illegally Mexico has a different approach to solving its own illegal alien crisis.

As states like Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and others try to bring the illegal alien crisis under control within their own states, predictably, liberals, Democrats, otherwise anti-Americans and so called “immigrant rights” groups like La Raze, MALDEF, the ACLU, and others, including President Barack Hussein Obama, are also soiling themselves.

It’s all more political theater, however.  Democrats don’t care about these people any more than their own countries do.  But because the population of Hispanics is growing in America, anything Democrats can do to secure their vote, no matter how cheap and tawdry, immoral and unethical, inhuman and inhumane – Democrats will do, even if it means reaching to the bottom of a bottomless pit.

And no matter what you call them, “migrant workers”, “undocumented workers”, or anything else, they are still here illegally, without citizenship; hence – illegal aliens.  And we have a right to deport them forthwith, ASAP, as we arrest them and process them, first ensuring they are not wanted for committing crimes here in America.  No other country in the world does, or is expected to grant amnesty to anyone who enters their country illegally; no other country in the world is so condemned, so reviled, so criticized – expect America – when we enforce our laws and deport those who are here illegally.

There is no such thing as an “undocumented worker”, and there is not a single migrant worker in America, who is here illegally, that has a claim to all the rights of an American citizen.  Even migrants here legally cannot claim those rights.  But at least they had the courtesy and common decency, and respect, to come to America through proper channels.  And what does America do for them?  America tells them to wait in the back of the line, in the back of the bus (or under it) while it processes those people which came into America illegally first.  That only makes sense to a liberal Democrat.

What must go on in the mind of someone who is willing to disregard rule of law, sneak into America via illegal channels, and then once they are here, and have eluded capture for a time, claim they have some fictitious right to be an American citizen, and enjoy all the rights of an American citizen guaranteed under our Constitution?  What kind of impudence, arrogance, self-deprecation is controlling and restraining them from thinking clearly and rationally?

Yes, there is always the “sob” story to go along with why they had to “risk life and limb” to come here, even if it meant doing so illegally.  And the “we just want to work” mantra; the “we do the work Americans won’t do” gibberish, and whatever excuse can be made for why they could not wait in line like the others who did come here legally.  And how we have to “slap in the face” every legal immigrant vying for American citizenship through proper, legal channels so that we can cater to the needs and wants – and outright demands, as ridiculous as they are, to those illegal immigrants who maintain, wrongfully, they have a right to become American citizens now.

And we might stomach these stories; we might feel empathy and remorse and understanding.  But not when so many of them are out there in the streets of America protesting that they should have, or already have, full American rights, despite the fact they are illegal aliens, that are not being recognized; not when they are out there condemning, ridiculing, denouncing America as evil, as occupiers, as land grabbers and thieves.  And not when they are being prodded and urged on by inconceivably corrupt, unconscionable deviants and predators like MALDEF, La Raza and the ACLU who feed off the anguish, the heartache, the suffering of these people.

There is a reason for borders.  There is a reason for protecting those borders that we have.  There is a reason why we have laws and why those laws mean something.  There is a reason for why we invest the capital, the resources, the man power into ensuring both our borders and our laws remain enforced, intact and secure.  There is a reason for why “good fences make good neighbors”.  And there is a difference between the meaning of legal and illegal.  They are not one in the same, nor are the inseparable.

And if and when those reasons cease to exist, or mean anything, or become so lax, so watered down and not worth fighting for, then what?  When America becomes the only country in the world without laws, or meaning of those laws; when America becomes the only country in the world without borders, or enforcement and security for those borders; when America becomes the only country in the world where “il” legal really is the new legal, what then?

And what will the people think to rename it?  And how will they hold power before someone else takes it away?  And what, then, will they remain it, before someone else comes and takes it away and renames it?  And so forth, and so on…

Remember the fall of the Roman Empire?  The Dark Ages?

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