The Neosecularist

I Said That? Yeah, I Said That!

Another Reason To Bust The Unions And Flip The Finger To Public Education

If anyone in America still thinks of unions as gallant, chivalrous knights fighting for workers rights against evil employers, will you please stop with such thoughts?  Unions now-a-days, as we all ought to know, are themselves the evil, corrupt, self-serving, arrogant thugs who do not like, do not accept, do not condone, do not work well with – competition!

In Culver City California unions are going after parents who volunteer at schools, it is assumed, to help students with their overall education.  The fact that they are doing this, and the unions are not getting any kind of cut has irked and annoyed these worthless thugs.  Now they are attempting to get their revenge on these parents by forcing them into a union where they will be forced to pay dues, but will not be allowed to have any kid of a voice or opinion in any matters.

Parents are cutting into the territory dominated by these unions and they feel very threatened.  These unions will not have anyone, including parents, break up the monopoly they have on public education.  But – who are the unions really looking out for here?

What the unions are doing, what the obvious outcome of this insanity will amount to, is that all the many children who now benefit from the tutoring they enjoy (and the student’s own parents must be pleased with) by local volunteers will disappear, and that option for those students will no longer be available.  What does that solve?

A wonderful gesture by the parents of Culver City, and all those who have volunteered, is being met with a gesture of another kind by unscrupulous, malevolent unions who loathe the idea that students are in essence receiving a free education.  Thus, the unions are doing what they do best – terrorizing the enemy.

Parents have rights in their communities which are being trampled on by the unions that also dwell within.  For all those volunteers who give of themselves, freely; for all those students who are grateful for the extra help; for all those teachers who also welcome the volunteers into the schools to take some of the pressure off of them; for every American who is sick and tired of these damned unions coming in and destroying communities and the rights of those communities, and then having the audacity to rip off those same communities through union dues and through the millions of dollars they receive via government from the taxes these communities pay to keep their communities running smoothly – it is time to bust these unions!  They are nothing more than con-artists on the city payroll.

Parents in Culver City are outraged over what the unions are trying to do to them, their schools and their children.  If the unions get away with it there, isn’t it safe to expect they will move into your community, where parents volunteer to help students with their studies?  And once the unions can get away with what they are doing in Culver City, does anyone expect they won’t find something else they can go after they feel is threatening their little “game”?  Their little “game” being to monopolize everything they can get their hands on, and then make you, the taxpayer pay for it, and pay into it.

Isn’t about time we finally busted these damned unions wide open?  Don’t we owe it to our children to do this before they, unions, bust our children’s hopes for a quality education?  Or is the only quality education the one unions decide for them, based on how much money they can scam off of these local communities?  When is going too far ever going to register with these thugs?  And how far are we willing to let them go before we do take action?

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4 thoughts on “Another Reason To Bust The Unions And Flip The Finger To Public Education

  1. Just a thought here… rather than trying to union-bust from within would it not be prudent and more practical to remove the elements that make employees vote them in to begin with? The days are long gone when “union sympathizers” would bash heads to gain members. Happy employees are not likely to want to unionize. But hey.. if I knew it all I’d not be where I’m at. 🙂
    Good blog!

  2. Pingback: Unions Urge Members to Train the 99% « 5 G's and a Cup of Joe

  3. No, you can’t actually “union-bust”, and certainly not from within. They have too much power, and they have the politicians in their pockets. It will take the people themselves and directly if the problem of union corruption is ever going to be solved. It will take the people themselves rising up and taking on the unions head-on. That takes courage. Many people would rather not get involved, which is what unions count on anyway, and why they use intimidation tactics to enforce their power and control on the people. By the way – by “union-busting” I am merely referring to breaking unions up, which includes their monopolies and their power, not actually taking clubs and bats and working them over. That is what they used to do to us. Do they still use those tactics today?

  4. Pingback: From absentee-vote to zero-tolerate | Arnold Zwicky's Blog

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