The Neosecularist

I Said That? Yeah, I Said That!

Archive for the tag “poltics”

There Are Cuts On George Zimmerman’s Head, But – Who Put Them There?

How did these cuts find their way atop George Zimmerman’s head?

Real? Fake? From Trayvon? Or from Zimmerman himself?

This photo of cut marks on top of George Zimmerman’s head was initially, and intentionally, kept from the public by the liberal MSM who, in its biased and slanted journalism wanted Zimmerman to be absolutely guilty, without question, of killing Trayvon Martin.  Now that this photo has been published, and millions of Americans have seen it, what conclusions can we draw?

Either Trayvon did this to Zimmerman, or Zimmerman did this to himself.  On the other hand, even if Trayvon did do this to Zimmerman, did Trayvon do it as the aggressor, or was he actually defending himself against Zimmerman?  In other words, was Trayvon attacked by Zimmerman, because Zimmerman sincerely thought Trayvon was threatening him and Zimmerman feared for his life?  This may very well be an example where both Trayvon and Zimmerman were acting in self-defense, or where they both perceived they were acting in self-defense because neither really knew the other person’s intentions.

Due to a complete misunderstanding, there may not have actually been an aggressor, if both Trayvon and Zimmerman thought they were defending themselves from being verbally and physically threatened and attacked.  What that would mean is that neither Trayvon nor Zimmerman is legally guilty of committing a crime, because, from a serious misunderstanding, each person thought they were being, or going to be, attacked and physically harmed, and rather than second guessing the other person’s motives, each one went on the defense.

What ramifications could that possibly have here in America, if neither Zimmerman or Trayvon is guilty?

The “War On Women” Is Very Deadly Business, Literally…

Women are suffering terribly, unjustly, alone; made to feel pain beyond any stretch of the imagination under the ruthless watch of proud men, ever stubborn in their desire for domination and control.  To make of them an example, these women are forcibly taken from their homes against their will as their families watch on – they can do nothing, they can say nothing, they can offer nothing; they can only hang their heads in shame and hope the gesture will be thought of as sincere – sincere enough so they too might escape punishment, reprisal, retribution, severe and steep penalties.  They know the women of their families taken in this manner, don’t always come back.

This is the real “war on women”.  And the women who are the recipients of this bloodthirsty vengeance – literally – are not afforded a trial, a hearing or even allowed to speak on their own behalf.  Their crime speaks for itself.  No, rather, like animals after a hunt, after a kill, these women are dragged to their doom, to their place of doom, thrust upon an altar and in all consciousness there they are tortured; their blood is spilled, their bodies horribly ripped open, mangled, twisted; the very life within them taken without consequence, without remorse, without pity or reflection, or any thought to humanity; death and dying for these women is all too common; not a fast and peaceful death, but slow, deliberate, excruciating, exacting; not solemn, but indignant; not remembered, but discarded and forgotten – and unmentioned.

And at that moment, when life itself is sacrificed – not to a God, not to anything of a holy, or remotely religious, nature, but to an idea, and a singular idea forged deep within the diseased and fractured minds of corrupt men who already have, but lust evermore for, absolute power – at that precious moment when the sacrifice is made, when it is complete, when it is over, all in an instance, not but one single tear is dare shed.

Millions of women have been the subject of this cult-like mania.  Many thousands of women must endure this humiliation, this barbarism annually.  Many more women will follow their predecessors into those torture chambers.  It will continue, unabated.  There is little with which to stir the courage needed to end it.  Oh, there is perhaps the deep sigh of regret among family members and close friends.  But once they exhale, that is the extent, the reach, of their outrage, and whatever courage escapes along with that long, reflective breath and wafts into obscurity.

But you, living in America, may take some comfort, some easy breaths of your own, and fear not.  This “war on women” is not happening in America.  Nor is it happening in Europe.  This “war on women” – a real war on women, not the manufactured hype from liberal feminists with just as deeply disturbed an agenda, is happening in China.  And it is happening to women who are pregnant with a second child.  It’s happening to women in China because of China’s one child per family policy.  It’s all the result of forced abortion – and the Chinese government shows no mercy to its victims as it hunts these pregnant women down for sport like wild, untamed, ferocious beasts of the forest.

Here – be it for your amusement or abiding curiosity – is a real “war on women“.

Here is the video:

Look at it, examine it, reflect upon it, then have the audacity to say there is a “war on women” here in America.  How does anything happening to these women in China compare to what is being called a “war on women” here in America?

Here – another brainwashed little girl, writing for the Arianna Nation Youth Movement, makes use of the “war on women” mantra.

How can the two be the same?  How can the two be the same, after you have examined what each “war on women” really represents?

A One Million Dollar Bounty You Need To Know About

George Zimmerman is now worth one million dollars to the New Black Panther Party.

If this had been a white supremacist group putting a bounty on a black man, would this be allowed to stand?  Is abducting George Zimmerman for one million dollars worth the price of relinquishing freedom?  Because if Zimmerman can be abducted, if the New Black Panthers can legally get away with this without being charged with criminal activity by our government, then anyone, including you, can have a bounty of any price put on their head by anyone, for any reason.  If Zimmerman is abducted, and if he is killed in the process, he will have his due process infringed upon.  Why are the actions of the New Black Panther Party not called a hate crime?  Why is Eric holder not investigating this group? (Besides the fact he is still trying to save his own political butt in the Fast and furious Scandal.)  Why is black America not more outraged?  Why are Hispanics not outraged?  Why are whites still being blamed for what happened to Trayvon Martin?  If no one takes the New Black Panthers up on their one million dollar offer, what will they increase it to next?  And – will that continue to remain under the radar of the MSM, who care more about blaming conservatives for Trayvon’s killing than exposing the facts concerning how and why he was killed?

And now it turns out the address Spike Lee tweeted was the wrong address.  Nothing good ever comes in jumping to conclusions, or letting our emotions get the better of us.  There are a lot of dead people throughout history who have been killed, wrongly, by emotional vigilantes who jumped to the wrong conclusions.  Will George Zimmerman be the next statistic?

Only The Prophet Mohammad Can Save Youcef Naderkhani’s Life Now – It’s Not Too Late

Death to the “infidel’ they shout in Iran.  Always death to this or that in Islamic strongholds.  Islam is more a respecter of death than it is of life.  They prove that every single day, in their own countries around the world, when they blow themselves up, and as many others as they can, in homicide bombings and other coordinated attacks on civilians and military personnel.  They kills themselves and others for the littlest, the most trivial, the most asinine of reasons.  And they very, very often hide themselves behind women and children when they are being attacked.  We must therefore conclude that reason itself is as foreign to them as their illogical insanity is to us.  Has the religion of “peace” ever actually been at peace with anyone – including themselves?

It isn’t as though reason has never been introduced to them, or a forbidden or prohibited practice in Islam.  If the ability to reason, and understand what reason is and how to appropriately apply it in situations is a human trait – or even if it is a trait of life itself – what does that tell you about Muslims who never listen to reason, never act upon reason, never are themselves reasonable in anything they say or do?

What does it say about Muslims, about the religion of “peace” that is about to execute a man, an Iranian pastor, a Muslim turned Christian whose only “crime” was that he became a Christian after he had been a Muslim?  What does it say about a nation, so entrenched in a religious fundamentalism, which is also devoid of reason?  Is it any wonder why Youcef Naderkhani changed religions?  Is it any wonder why he, and others, have abandoned a religion which rejects reason for a religion that embraces it?  For that, the Islamic controlled nation of Iran wants to kill Youcef, hold him up as an example as to what happens, and what will happen, to others in Iran should they too have any wild thoughts of reason, compassion, rationality, peace.

The U.S. government, the European Union and human rights organizations have repeatedly urged the Iranian leadership to release him.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad cannot save Youcef, or he is unwilling, or he is afraid of retribution from the mullahs, the Ayatollah and other Islamic religious fanatics in his country.  Even Barack Obama cannot save Youcef, else he would have already made the call.  Or perhaps he has made the call, but his influence has diminished and waned, or was never really all that great, or as great as we were originally lead to believe it was.  If they cannot save Youcef, if no other governmental agency on Earth can save Youcef, only the Prophet Mohammad can.  Only the Prophet Mohammad, whether through divine intervention, or through a rereading of the Qur’an to find the passage that would condemn unreasonable execution, such as killing a Muslim turned Christian, can save Youcef now,

Either such a passage exists within the Qur’an or it does not.  Either the Prophet Mohammad would support the execution of Youcef, or he would condemn it and call it barbaric and anti-Islam.  But what if such a passage does not exist?  What if the Prophet Mohammad does support the execution of Youcef?  What if Islam, the religion of “peace”, has nothing to say at all about killing someone for changing religions?  What if the religion of “peace” does have something to say about Youcef converting from Islam to Christianity?  What if the religion of “peace” itself condemns anyone, any Muslim, who converts from Islam to another religion?  What if the religion of “peace”, and the Prophet Mohammad, demand Youcef be executed?

Either executing Youcef is an insult and injurious to Islam or it is a compliment and a credit to Islam.  Either executing Youcef exemplifies Islam or it degrades Islam.  Either executing Youcef is a reasonable Islamic response and action or it is Islamic insanity and barbarism.  Either executing Youcef embodies the whole of Islam, and the whole meaning of Islam from its foundation, or someone, somewhere within the history of Islam has corrupted and twisted the true meaning of Islam and turned it into a religion in which would see the Prophet Mohammad spinning in his grave.

Either only the Prophet Mohammad and Allah know, or – there is some vestige of what we in the West call reason engrained within Islam and in the minds of Muslims, and they are smart enough to know what the Qur’an really says about executing a man, like Youcef, for converting from Islam to Christianity.

Whether reason exists within Islam, or not, we all will know for certain one way or another.  The outcome of what ultimately happens to Youcef will provide us with a definite and absolute answer to this most puzzling and perplexing question.

One way or another – what more proof will we need to know what Islam really stands for and what it really means to be a Muslim?

Politicians Wrong On History One Thing, Politicians Wrong On Policies Another

So politicians get their historical facts wrong.  There is little harm in that.  Laughing at Barack Obama for misstating the number of American states is one thing.  He said there were 57.  Ridiculing Joe Biden, and all his many gaffes is entertaining too.  Even Sarah Palin gets history wrong – or does she?  All, or most, politicians flub on historical facts from time to time, and it can be fun pointing out their errors.  What is not fun, what is not funny, is when politicians make huge mistakes with regards to political policies, legislation and laws which have a direct, and over-all negative and depressing, impact on all of us.

What is fun or entertaining about having to live under the oppression of a political party whose values include a repressive tax system, a huge expansion of government, fewer and fewer opportunities for entrepreneurs and risk takers, less overall freedom for all Americans – and having to listen to this party (it’s the Democrat Party, if you didn’t already guess) do nothing but talk about the problems we face today and deflect those problems onto America’s so-called “racist” and “genocidal” past?  What solutions to America’s problems do Democrats ever propose?

Illegal immigration?  Just legalize them all.  Americans out of work?  Just keep giving them more and more unemployment compensation, and keep extending it.  Americans in poverty?  Let government help them who can’t, or don’t want to, help themselves – but never let them off the welfare system.  Children “starving”?  Let the schools feed them three times a day, at taxpayer expense.  A failed war on drugs?  Just legalize drugs.  Too many girls and women becoming “unexpectedly” pregnant?  Abortion to the rescue under the guise of taxpayer subsidized contraception.

Democrats do have solutions.  But all these “solutions” revolve around higher taxes, more government, more government dependence and less person freedom (except for the freedom to kill an unborn child) for all Americans.  What kind of solution is that?

When we need real solutions to real problems – we get bombarded with more and more problems, and a President (and his wife) who would rather spend his, and her, time, and our tax dollars, vacationing in Hawaii, and abroad and/or playing golf.  This is not how leaders lead.  This is how pompous, arrogant, self-centered, dimwitted kings and dictators, indignant snobs and the egotistical upper-class echelons of society who inherited their wealth, or had their status handed to them, while away their time.  America needs solutions to the problems we face, not more talk of those problems, or “solutions”, which only deepen and widen, the problems we already know we face.  Where are the solutions to the problems Democrats are always bringing up?

While we have not heard any real solutions coming from the Democratic debates – because Obama is thus far running unopposed.  We have heard plenty of solutions from all the Republican candidates.  Remember Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan?  It was soundly ridiculed by Democrats and Democrat puppets in the MSM for not taking into account the fact that millions of poor Americans who now pay no federal taxes would in fact have to pay 9% under Cain’s plan.  Democrats, as they always do, spoke only of the problem.  And while it is a huge problem, which would force people to pay 9% in taxes they are not required to do now, it is a problem with such a simple solution – just exempt the first 50 thousand dollars from federal taxation, and all those Americans originally exempt from paying federal taxes would continue to be exempt, including millions more Americans.  And the 9-9-9 plan still works.  What solutions are Democrats putting on the table?

What solutions do Democrats ever propose, other than raising taxes on the “evil” super-rich to pay off the debt they, Democrats, created in the first place?  Money which would never go towards paying off any debt, but rather into ever-expanding government programs Democrats love to keep going.  Programs which, every year they are in existence, see an automatic increase in spending.  Programs which Democrats never want to cut.  And when Republicans try, Democrats cry racism.  What solutions are Democrats working on?

Millions of Americans are needlessly out of work, just as hundreds of thousands of businesses, small and large, are needlessly forced to trim their budgets, cut their staff, eliminate health care and other benefits – all in order to stay alive and competitive in an economy which has been savagely raped by liberals and Democrats.  Recessions happen.  Predictably, they occur on average every twenty years.  What is the Democrat’s solution to the one we are still in and still suffering from now when we should have recovered long ago?  And what are Democrats doing about it?

That is – other than blaming Republicans, infusing into their language non-existent racism and non-sequitors regarding America’s past, casting the rich as “evil” and “greedy”, as the enemy and the sole reason for our economy’s disastrous downfall (but never injecting themselves as responsible for anything that has gone wrong).  Democrats speak about problems, problems, problems – but never propose any viable solutions.  What are the bloody solutions Democrats have up their sleeves?

Republicans, on the other hand, have solutions which will get our economy moving, put millions of Americans back to work, increase revenues, decrease debt and put America back into competition with the world’s economies.  But because these solutions all revolve around putting more of your own money in your own pockets, Democrats balk at any such proposals.

Democrats are not working on any problems, nor are they working on any solutions to these problems which plague us no end.  Instead, Democrats are working on their tan lines, their golf swings, their wardrobes, adding an extension to their home (or buying another), and ways in which they can evade paying federal taxes so they can keep as much of their money (provided to them by we the taxpayer-people) as they can get away with.  And Democrats are also constantly working on new marketing technique to sell themselves to you as champions of the people.  But behind the scenes they are working on even more ways to raise your taxes, limit your freedoms and force you on their government created programs and keep you there for ever.

The solutions Democrats propose?  More taxes, more government, more government intrusion into your lives and your businesses.  Are these solutions to our country’s problems?  Or do they only create more problems which never have any solutions, or any end in sight, but which Democrats can feed off of to win more votes and more seats?

And – how does perpetuating a party’s majority in congress, who only talks about the problems (which they, largely, are responsible for creating) without providing real solutions, benefit any one of us who are the benefactors of these problems?  In other words – how does it make sense, how does it work to our advantage, to keep voting into power the party (Democrat) which has created most of the problems we face today; which does not want these problems to go away or to ever be solved; which has plans for creating even more problems?

Republicans have the solutions.  And Democrats hate them for it.  Why?  Because Democrats have gone to great lengths in creating all these problems in order to keep themselves in power.  It isn’t very nice of Republicans, then, to come along and spoil all the fun Democrats have had exasperating and compounding all of America’s miseries at our expense.  Is it?

Isn’t it more logical to vote in a party (Republican) that will actually put forth real solutions to our problems once and for all?  Or, come the 2012 November election, are we going to let Democrats continue to have their very expensive, very extravagant and lavish “fun”, and play their games, at our expense and make us, our children, our children’s children, ad infinitum, pay the bill?

Ariannna Nation (HuffPost) Exposes Liberalism’s Harsh Realities, Prejudices Against The Poor

At the Huffington Post (Arianna Nation), there is a story concerning “class conflict awareness.”  This is odd for three reasons.  First, there is no real “class” structure in America.  There is income divides, but America, unlike Europe of old, does not have a system in place where by if you are born into a lower class you remain in a lower class your whole life.  In America, anyone born in poverty has a real opportunity to rise up and out of it and move into the middle and upper echelons.  There are countless, and many told, stories to prove this.  Secondly, the Arianna Nation, in its broad, but failed, attempt to sock it to conservatives once against falls flat on its own butt.  The reason for the income divide in America has everything to do with liberalism and the policies and legislation liberals have been able to pass which have crippled business in America and have resulted in America’s economy tanking, job loss, home foreclosures, the high rate of unemployment, etc.  Thirdly, “class conflict awareness” is simply another term, a euphemism, describing jealousy.  Poor people are jealous of the rich.  What else is new?

Significantly more Americans see “very strong” or “strong” class conflict between the rich and poor, according to a survey released Wednesday by the Pew Research Center. The results show that Americans think that conflicts between the rich and poor are stronger than immigrant and native born, black and white and young and old.

In other words, poor Americans who have embraced liberalism, have championed liberalism, have gone to bat and cheer-leaded for liberalism, have bought into liberalism all their lives – have been deceived and screwed by liberalism, which was liberalism’s intention all along.  Being poor and liberal is a deadly combination.  How many poor people who follow liberalism religiously ever get out of poverty?

Poor people are inundated with liberal propaganda telling them their poverty is a result of the “rich getting richer” off their backs.  But what liberalism never explains to poor Americans is how they can reverse their poverty status and become, if not wealthy, then wealthier.  That, of course, would be counter productive to liberalism since liberalism can only exist so long as a substantial number and percentage of people remain convinced their poverty is a result of the “evil rich” and conservatives who, purportedly, but not in actuality, don’t care about the poor.

Liberalism is the “Jack the Ripper” of economics.  Does anyone really believe that a business owner who has had their taxes and their tax rate raised by liberal politicians, and is threatened with having those taxes raised higher, is going say, “Well, now that I have less money for my business and myself, and will soon have even less than that, I can pay my employees more,”?  Is that how business works?

Ladies and gentlemen, if you did not already know, (and unfortunately most liberals still refuse to accept this reality) no business can function properly and effectively the higher its taxes are.  Yet, liberals demand more from business owners under the guise and smoke screen of “paying their fair share”.  It’s a canard.  It’s a type of psychological warfare liberal politicians use to keep their base, composed mostly of poor Americans, energized and brainwashed, and to psychologically stun and debilitate business owners, shaming them into thinking one’s poverty is their, the business owner’s, fault.

The ongoing economic recession also may have magnified class differences as income inequality has risen.

The economic crash America has suffered, and continues to endure, was designed by liberal politicians.  We have higher unemployment now, over 8%, than when Obama took office.  The reason for this is because during Obama’s first two years, the Democrat Party held control over both the House and the Senate, which allowed them to pass their liberal, anti-business, anti-capitalist agenda.  Had McCain won the Presidency, and/or had Republicans won the House and Senate, we would not have been in this economic mess because Republicans would have blocked Democrats from instigating destructive legislation, such as TARP, and other socialistic programs, and they would have blocked the Democrats from dramatically raising the debt ceiling.

Had Republicans retained the White House, had they won the House and Senate, this recession would have been over by now and unemployment, which was just over 7% in January 2009, would have steady fallen as conservatives began passing meaningful business tax cuts, cutting meaningless regulations, cutting out unnecessary government programs which only purpose is to keep the poor, poor, and cutting the size and scope of government itself.  We would not be over 15 trillion dollars in debt if Republicans were in control.  Why are the poor not as outraged as they ought to be that Barack Obama has spent so many trillions of dollars and provided them with little to nothing to show for it?  If poverty is getting worse, which liberals contend, and if government is spending more to “fix” poverty, why are their policies making the poor suffer more?  The answer is one in which the poor don’t want to stomach.

Democrats in general — and President Barack Obama in specific — have also spoken out about income inequality. “Now, this kind of inequality — a level that we haven’t seen since the Great Depression — hurts us all…”

Here is a reality check.  One cannot get their-self out of poverty on a welfare or unemployment check.  Nor can one expect to move into the middle or upper class by levying higher taxes and regulations on the “rich”.  The more businesses are taxed, the less business owners have in which to invest in their businesses – including their employees.  Although this is common sense, there are too many people who still cannot understand the simplest, the most basic of economics.  The “fair share” liberals always whine about is money in which business owners will pass along to both their costumers and their employees.  Their employees will bear the brunt of the “fair share” tax hikes first by either losing benefits, hours, wages, raises, etc., or by being fired as business owners are forced to downsize their business, and their workforce, in order to remain afloat.  In other words, a business owner will sacrifice their employees before their customers, and a business owner will sacrifice their employees before they sacrifice their business.

Here is one more reality check.  Once a person actually does move into the middle class, from poverty, and realizes how much money the government is taking from their paycheck, how much more the government wants to take away, and how the government will turn a blind eye to the middle class, it dawns on them how destructive liberalism really is.  If you want the government to take care of you, remain poor.  But it comes with a heavy price.  You must always remain poor.

That is the destructive hold liberalism has over the poor in America.  And that is “the answer the poor do not want to stomach”.  Barack Obama and the Democrat Party have spent trillions of dollars, racked up more debt in three years than George Bush racked up in his eight years in office – mostly waging an important and necessary War on Terror.  For all that money Obama wasted, which must at some point be paid back, more people are in poverty now than were in poverty when he took office.  Do we see the correlation to liberal policy and poverty, and the rate and increase in poverty as a result of liberal policy?

If you were poor in 2008 and you voted for Obama, and you yet remain in poverty, who is really to blame for your economic situation?  How will voting for Obama, for Obama’s liberal policies, in 2012 make any more of a positive difference for you, your family, than was made then?

In other words – are you better off now than you were four years ago?  And, how will re-electing Obama move you out of poverty if it didn’t do so then?

What Does It Mean To “Abortion Rights” If A Fetus Feels Anything?

Of course such an idea as a fetus feeling anything is “patently absurd” to begin with, right?  And women who are “overprotective” of their nonliving, nonhuman fetus are just ignorant, uneducated rubes making fools of themselves.  They haven’t been “schooled” properly by pro-abortion educators.

That has to be fact.  The entire credibility of the abortion rights movement rests on the idea that a fetus (an unborn child) is not actually alive, or even human until after it is born.  While still in the womb, though it is “developing”, whatever it is, according to Planned Parenthood, NARAL, NOW, the ACLU and every other abortion rights supporter, it is not human, nor does it have the right, legal or moral, to be considered human.

So, why should a pregnant woman worry about whether or not microwaves, cellphones, anti-depressants or anything else would be considered harmful to an entity that, for Planned Parenthood, NOW President, Terry O’Neill, and politicians like Nancy Pelosi – who wouldn’t let her “conscience thing” distract her absolute support for abortion, say isn’t even a living human being until it has been born?

Or, to put it another way – How can this nonliving, nonhuman “thing” we call a fetus, for which pro abortion rights supporters vehemently deny and absolutely reject is human, while it yet remains in the womb, have the capability of feeling anything that is happening to it – while it yet remains in the womb?  And why should any woman go through the trouble and hassle of caring that a “nonhuman” entity is being exposed to levels and doses of electromagnetic rays, waves and smoke that only affects living human beings?  Planned Parenthood, the “only authority” on the matter, contends a fetus is not alive, not a human being, has no claims or rights to be legitimately considered human beings and therefore is incapable of feeling anything that is happening to it.

And if it, though it is “nonhuman” and “nonliving”, can feel the effects of microwaves, anti-depressants, cigarette smoke, etc., what does that mean for abortion and abortion rights?  Certainly if a fetus can feel the effects of anything at all, it can feel the effects of the abortionist literally sucking out its life.  If a fetus can feel at all, then it can feel pain, right?  If a fetus can feel anything, it must be alive.  And either a fetus is alive or it is not.  If it is alive, then it is living.  If it is living, what is it living as?  A tree?  a shrub?  A bush?  Merely a collection of cells?  If a seed from a tree germinates, does it develop into a human being?

And when we start worrying about the health of a nonliving, nonhuman, unfeeling being, (like a toy doll) don’t we have some type of highly disturbed, deep mental issues we are dealing with?  Isn’t it time we went to see the corner shrink to find out what is going on with us?

Planned Parenthood tells us abortion is a safe and legal procedure, and very common; that there “are many things to think about” when deciding to have an abortion.  The first thing they reassure every woman contemplating abortion is that the “thing” inside of them isn’t alive, isn’t human and, other than the umbilical cord, has no real attachment to them; in effect saying to all these women, go ahead and smoke, pig out on sugary junk food and fatty, unhealthy calories, microwavable edibles; talk for hours on end on your cell phones as usual; and if you feel any depression, go ahead and take some anti-depressants while you are in the process of making the decision of having an abortion.  Remember – only you, a living, feeling human being will “feel” the affects.

NOW proclaims, “reproductive justice is every woman’s right“.  They have a list of reasons why that is and why abortion, “reproductive justice” as they call it, should be protected, expanded and government funded.  And they reassure their members that the real terrorists are pro-life supporters; the uneducated hicks, gun toting religious nuts who go around touting the evils of abortion.  But abortion, as NOW knows, can’t be “evil” if the fetus is indeed a nonliving nonhuman, unfeeling “thing”.  One can only contemplate true “evil” if the reverse was true.

NARAL maintains abortion is “our right to choose at every opportunity“.  They say the “real problem” is that “anti-choice people want to outlaw abortion”.  That is a real problem – if a fetus is a living, feeling human being.  But if a fetus is not a living, feeling human being, as NARAL insists it is not, then – what is the problem with exposing it to all the hazards and health risks we associate as dreadfully harmful to life and to living, feeling beings, which, NARAL protests, a fetus cannot be?

The ACLU states that in the “world we want” abortion consists of  “personal and private decisions about forming intimate relationships and building secure and healthy families”.  But they are ominous in their warning that “the struggle is getting worse”.  Hmm.  If the ACLU can’t prove in a court of law that a fetus is in fact an nonliving, unfeeling, nonhuman being, with all the resources and professionals they have at their immediate disposal, then the “struggle” will indeed “get worse” for the pro-abortion movement.

What more proof does humanity need to accept that a fetus is nothing more than the nonliving, unfeeling “thing” they – the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, NARAL and NOW – have been saying it is for the past forty years?  How much more money are we going to waste on “frauds” and “scams” that make us worry and fret over the unhealthy affects cellphones and cigarette smoke and microwaves are causing to the “thing” inside a woman?  “Things” cannot feel anything.  Living beings, human beings can feel.  Living beings, human beings are not “things”.  They are not toys and they are not to be toyed with.

There must be a method to the madness of the pro-abortion movement.  Or is it just madness?

Democrats Killed The Deal; They Are The “Obstacle”, Not The Bush Tax Cuts

Did you really expect the “Super Committee” to be Superman?

It was a brilliant idea.  A failure as it was.  Take an equal number of Democrats and Republicans, put them in a room together, and let them solve the budget crisis; let them find the areas within the budget to cut; let them do what congress itself could not accomplish because of too much inner wrangling and partisanship.  Day after day, week after week, the country waited with baited breathe, fingers crossed, in heavy anticipation and hope to see if this would be the day the so dubbed twelve member “Super Committee” would swoop in and save the day before they all adjourned for the Thanksgiving holiday.  Apparently the Thanksgiving holiday came in faster than a speeding bullet.

It was a brilliant failure, but that was what it was designed to be from the beginning.  A failure!  Another scheme, a diversionary tactic, in which to deflect negative attention away from the whole congress and onto a special, select, “super” bunch of Democrats and Republicans; a devious plot by those in congress who never had any real intention of making and finding the necessary cuts within the budget, because to make any cuts, however slight, would have taken a courage they, congress, simply did not possess; a cunning plan hatched to ultimately lay the blame square and full on those select Republicans and Democrats who, essentially, drew the short straws.  Ladies and gentleman – their plan worked.

And it proves that when congress puts its mind together to succeed at something, they, congress, can be successful.  Unfortunately, the only thing congress can be successful at is – failure!

What “killed” the Super Committee was the suicide capsule every Republican and Democrat in that Super Committee agreed to take when they were selected to be the guinea pigs in this mad experiment, the lambs who would willingly be led to the slaughter; political pawns in a game of chess where all the pieces on the board were pawns.

But according  to “pathetic” Patty Murray, Washington Democrat, it was something else that doomed the Super Committee to its sound defeat.

Said Murray:

There is one sticking divide, and that is the issue of what I call shared sacrifice, where everybody contributes in a very challenging time for our country.  That’s the Bush tax cuts.”

“Shared sacrifice”?  Why is it that Democrats can only think in terms of “sacrifice”?  Isn’t that rather morbid?  A dismal, bleak and cold-hearted outlook?  A defeatist attitude, small and narrow-minded?

In the days of old we used to sacrifice humans to please the gods.  What the Democrats are doing now is not so different.  Except they, Democrats, look upon themselves as today’s “gods”, and you as the humans who ought to sacrifice, not your life, but your independence at the alter of liberalism.  Independence is attributed to how much wealth we have.  In its simplest terms, the less we have, the more we are dependent upon government.  A government whose sole desire is to keep us dependent, and to make even more of us dependent, and is the driving force behind what Patty Murray calls “shared sacrifice”.

In reality, what we are sacrificing is our heritage, our future and our children’s future to a soulless body of congress men and women who are responsible for having created an over bloated budget, a monster government, which, although it eats and eats, is starving for ever more.  And the more we give in to their selfish ideas of ‘shared sacrifice”, the more we feed this monster government and shovel more of our money into its salivating mouth.  And what we get in return for that is whatever this monster government expels from its other end.

So what happens now?  The Bush tax cuts sunset, in effect raising taxes on all Americans.  Is that the kind of  “shared sacrifice” Murray and Democrats are talking about?  If you can’t beat the Republicans, if you can’t screw the rich – screw everybody and pretend it’s the Republicans fault?

What has always been known is that Democrats were steadfast against cutting any taxes, and Republicans were steadfast against raising any taxes without cutting spending in other areas of the budget.  Therein lies the difference between the two.  In other words, while Democrats would not consider cutting taxes on the rich at any price, Republicans would have been willing, and still might be, to raise taxes – tax rates – on millionaires, if other stipulations can be met.  Like extending the Bush tax cuts; raising the minimum age at which to obtain social security in order to extend the life and the solvency of this program; cutting other forms of taxes like the alternative minimum tax, the marriage tax penalty, the death and inheritance tax, for example; putting a spending freeze on future spending without actually cutting the current spending – that would save trillions!

Democrats are the obstacle to a budget deal.  The more of them we “sacrifice” by throwing out of office, the less of an obstacle there will be to real budget reform; the more closer we can actually come to a balanced budget, without “sacrificing” poor Americans to the “evil” rich; the sooner we will come out of this recession the Democrats caused in the first place.

Republicans – don’t you become an obstacle too.

It doesn’t take Superman to solve this budget crisis.  All it takes is super men and women with a superior resolve who have enough strength and courage to wade through this monster of a budget and tame it.  It’s not made of kryptonite!  So why are Republicans, who are in fact not Superman, and thus immune to the deadly affects of kryptonite, still treating this budget as if it were made of kryptonite, and they fearing to touch it?

Only Now Does Mayor Bloomberg See The “Power Of Liberalism’s Dark Side”

(Or – Who Are The Real “Stinking” and “Filthy” People On Wall Street Now?)

It’s not the bankers that are “stinking” up Wall Street”.  It’s not the bankers who are “filthy” in Wall Street.  It’s not the “stench” of the “evil rich” that is “trashing” Wall Street.  It’s the very protesters themselves.

New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, has decided that now is the time time cry foul over the wall street protests that are happening in his city.  Where was he when they first organized?

Said Bloomberg:

What they’re trying to do is take the jobs away from people working in this city.”

Well, duh!  These mindless, Soros, SEIU Union, liberal media, OBAMA controlled/paid for from their “slush for mush” funds, no nothing delinquents are trying to put every man and woman who works for Wall Street out of business and out of work – and they made that point very clear even before they got to Wall Street.  So for Bloomberg to say he is shocked at what is going on is disingenuous on his part.

But such are Democrats like him who have no real vision, no real solutions, no real political courage or moral convictions.  He’s one of those pathetic politicians who you don’t know whether he is coming or going.  Because on the one hand he takes his marching orders from the Democrat Party, and does whatever they tell him to do; and on the other hand, he doesn’t want to “piss” off Wall Street because if Wall Street tanks (and that would devastate and cripple the American economy into another Great Depression) Bloomberg knows he will get the full blame for it.

Listen to these drones here and here, in their own words.  Just type in “Wall Street Protesters speak out”.  They haven’t a clue why they are really there protesting, other than the fact that they themselves don’t have a job, don’t have anything better to do with their miserable lives, don’t have enough intelligence to think for themselves and therefore are easily brainwashed by liberalism.

Bloomberg went on to say:

They’re trying to take away the tax base we have because none of this is good for tourism.”

Good for tourism?  What the hell is Bloomberg talking about.  These protests have brought in thousands upon thousands of “tourists” to his great city.  Of course, as one might expect from these types of “tourists”, they are freeloaders, and while they came loaded for bear with nifty kinds of slogans and chants, they apparently forgot to bring any money with them.  Food, water, bedding – even a place to urinate and defecate – is being supplied to them.  Of course some people will still use alternatives for toilets.

Absolutely nothing will be accomplished by the protests here in New York City, or anywhere else they are popping up in America other than to distract Americans from the real problems facing this country like the current unemployment situation, still at 9.1%.  Still, the protesters want the literal deaths of everyone who works on Wall Street, even inciting cannibalism.  Realistic?

And how many jobs are these protesters adding by their presence?  Granted, it will take a lot of extra work cleaning up the trash they have accumulated after they leave, but not necessarily lead to job creation, undoubtedly leaving all the extra work in the hands of current sanitation employees to clean up the mess all by themselves that liberalism has created.

But it is not jobs the organizers of these protests are trying to create.  It’s anarchy and upheaval.  And it has always been easy for them to “use” young, impressionable people, either uneducated or educated by liberalism (as in most colleges throughout America) for their ultimate purpose.

So much hoopla and parody has been made at the expense of George W. Bush, Dick Chaney, Donald Rumsfeld and others using the phenomenon of Star Wars as a back drop to suggest that it is Republicans who are the “evil empire”.  However, with just a little bit of research and digging, it becomes clear that it is really the Democrats and liberalism that are the “evil empire”, because it is Democrats and liberalism which is promoting and propping up the anarchy we are seeing in America.  The same anarchy, totalitarianism and “evil empire” we see in Star Wars.

George Soros is the evil Emperor Palpatine here, not George Bush.  Liberalism is the “Death Star” equivalent, and death itself, not conservatism.  Barack Obama is “Darth Vadar”, not Dick Chaney or Donald Rumsfeld.  Mayor Michael Bloomberg is the Count Dooku equivalent, or one of the many pawns (i.e., General Greivous) of Palpatine/Soros.  It is liberalism which seeks totalitarianism and dictatorship and to rule over all human beings, not conservatism.  Conservatives, in fact, are the Jedi.

It is early, yet, to suggest liberals have attained their lofty goal.  But their hour is near.  Obama’s popularity in the polls is way down.  And if it remains this low, (around 38%) and especially if it plummets even further, Republicans could have a real victory at hand to celebrate come November 2012.

(Remember, remember the fifth of November – but that’s another analogy altogether)

But if Obama wins, or if another liberal Democrat enters the race and wins, if Democrats remain in control of the Senate, and somehow take back the house – if Democrats take back all three levels of government, if liberals and liberalism control everything, and conservatives have no power to block them, then –

We will really see “how liberty dies“.

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