The Neosecularist

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Archive for the tag “race based abortion”

How To Challenge Obama, All Pro-Abortion Politicians, Expose Their Hypocrisy – And Ruin Their Political Careers

Pro-abortion supporters are hypocrites and we can easily expose their blatant hypocrisy and bring to an end this barbaric practice so coveted by liberals and so heavily protected by the MSM with their silence.  We can topple Planned Parenthood, NARAL, NOW and all pro-abortion organizations.  We can crush politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, and Kirsten Gillibrand, who had this to say about abortion and the “importance of electing pro-choice women to congress in 2012”.  We can redden their faces, shame and embarrass them, and thoroughly destroy their political careers forever.  And we can even ruin Barack Obama’s aspirations for a second term in office.  We can – just by asking the right questions, demanding an answer and not letting them off the hook.

For example…

Question:  As you (insert political candidate’s name – let’s say Nancy Pelosi) are pro-choice and support abortion on demand, you would naturally support, without question, the right of a woman who has become pregnant during a one night stand to abort her unborn child, correct?  The man, by the way, whom she had intercourse with was black, she white, and she has just found out the baby will be born black, and that is her reason for wanting the abortion.

What on Earth is Nancy Pelosi going to say to that?  How can any self admitted pro-abortion politician answer that question without either offending the entire abortion rights movement or an entire race?  Especially if they are on a stage, in a debate, where people are watching, film is rolling, they are on the spot and time is ticking down.

They might try squirming their way out of the issue with a juvenile, sophomoric response like, “Well, I support a woman’s right to privacy, and what she does with her own body, in privacy, is none of my business.”  But this still doesn’t end the fact that an unborn child is being killed in the womb because it is black.  This is the challenge for, and the dilemma which must be forced upon, those who are pro-abortion to answer.

And the follow-up question then must be:  So, if a white woman wants to exercise her “right to privacy” and abort her unborn child because she has found out it will be born black, as long as you, Nancy Pelosi, are unaware that is why she is aborting her unborn child, you would be comfortable in supporting her right to choose abortion based on race?

Now what can she say?  Either Nancy Pelosi, any pro-abortion supporter, is going to support a white woman’s right to abort a child who would be born black, or she, any pro-abortion supporter, is a hypocrite.  In other words, one cannot support abortion on demand, and then, in an open forum, become uncomfortable with absolutely supporting an abortion procedure to remove an unwanted, unborn child because a white woman does not want to give birth to a black child.

Granted, some politicians run unopposed and never have to stand at a podium and debate in public.  We still need to force an answer out of them, even if it is on the fly, even if it means cornering them on the steps of the Capital, or as they are walking from point A to point B in a public space.  And if they refuse to answer?  If they simply scoff at the question and walk away?  It’s not so immoral, so unethical to answer the question for them.

For example…

As a reporter, professional or amateur, you have just cornered Nancy Pelosi in a public venue and have only moments to ask her the above question.  You calmly ask it to her, and, as expected, she walks away without a response, or with an indignant sigh.  She has gotten the better of you – or has she?

When faced with this, answer the question for her and make her, Nancy Pelosi, defend herself with an opposing answer.  Report and/ or write as if Nancy Pelosi has actually answered your question in either this manner:

Well, from what can be gathered by her response, or lack of response, it is absolutely certain that Nancy Pelosi supports a woman’s right to abort an unborn black child on the basis of race.  And as she supports raced based abortions, obviously she, Nancy Pelosi, also supports, must support, abortion in cases where it is known the child will be born a girl or gay.  And we have to wonder how long Nancy Pelosi has held these racist, bigoted, homophobic, sexist views and whether black Americans, gays and lesbians and any woman could support her any longer politically.

Or in this manner:

Well, from what can be gathered by her response, or lack of response, it is absolutely certain that Nancy Pelosi, while she supports abortion on demand, and supports a woman’s “right to privacy”, and while she would never detract from that, Nancy Pelosi would indeed support the right of government to ban race based abortion.  And we have to wonder what other types of abortion bans Nancy Pelosi would support, how that will play with women’s rights advocates, whether or not she will lose their support and how Nancy Pelosi can legitimately continue to call herself pro-choice. 

Having done this, make Nancy Pelosi try to make you retract what you have said/written about her.  Make her threaten to sue you.   And then call her bluff.  Because either she is going to sue you, in which case she will then be compelled to answer your question, whether she wants to or not, in a court of law, under oath, which will be made public – or, she won’t sue you.  If, after having threatened to sue you, Nancy Pelosi doesn’t sue you, she is admitting she is the hypocrite we all know she is, but hoping you are too unimportant for anyone to have noticed has just destroyed her credibility on abortion.  Don’t let her off the hook.

Don’t let any so-called “pro-choice” or “women’s rights” advocates of the hook.  Keep the pressure on them, make them mad as hell and watch them become flustered, irritated and unstable; watch them lose their concentration and their train of thought; watch as they stutter and try to back track their way out of having to answer a most uncomfortable question indeed, knowing that no matter how they answer it, it will put their political careers in severe jeopardy.

We can end abortion in America, and everywhere in the world the procedure is used by exposing their own hypocrisy and their own double standards simply by asking them the politically incorrect questions they are so fearful of being asked or would never be asked by anyone in the MSM.

Or, is it possible to support abortion on demand and a woman’s “right to privacy”, which must include the right of a woman to abort a black child, a girl child, a gay child, without being racist, sexist, bigoted or homophobic at the same time?  Who is really being convoluted here?

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